Our Services
Wellness Group
Regional Coordinator – Gabby Ocampo
Activities run every Wednesday at Boronia Progress Hall 10.30am-3.30pm and Friday 1-4pm Meet and Greet at Knox Community Volunteer Space, Westfield Shopping Centre.
Activities run every Wednesday at Boronia Progress Hall 10.30am-3.30pm and Friday 1-4pm Meet and Greet at Knox Community Volunteer Space, Westfield Shopping Centre.
Be Connected
Be Connected Program funded by Good Things Foundation aims to bring e-safety to communities. AFCS is a capacity builder and an ambassador for digital literacy. Our Centre Manager Corina Dutlow visits communities and train digital mentors.
Men’s Health
and Well-being Program
Saturday Golf Group for young and older Filipino men supported by Commonwealth and HACC Program for younger persons.
Pare Ko!
Social support for older Filipino men to remain independent, active and creative.
Community Love and Harmony COVID19
Our Love in Any Language Community Singing Project has now started in the Chinese community with the Chinese Community Social Services Centre. In Mulgrave today, the group had their first rehearsal.
How special it is to sing this beautiful and meaningful song in both English and now Mandarin!
Our Love in Any Language Community Singing Project has now started in the Chinese community with the Chinese Community Social Services Centre. In Mulgrave today, the group had their first rehearsal.How special it is to sing this beautiful and meaningful song in both English and now Mandarin!
Posted by Australian-Filipino Community Services on Friday, March 15, 2019