(03) 9701 3421 info@afcs.org.au

Get Online

It’s time to Get Online!

Between 19-25 October, AFCS will be hosting online ‘Mag Exercise Tayo’ events on Zoom. Get Online Week is an international event to promote digital inclusion.


AFCS will also be launching an iPad library to help Filipino Seniors in Melbourne to connect with family, friends and the community.


Contact Australian-Filipino Community Services (Melbourne) for more information on 0438 919 678 or 9701 3421.

Development of ‘Mag-Exercise Tayo!’ home-based exercise sessions for seniors Due to COVID-19, we had to suspend all our activities and develop activities using other platforms instead of face-to-face so we can continue engaging seniors and keeping them active while isolated. We worked alongside an exercise instructor to develop a video that is Filipino language-specific showing real-time activities and include real-time rest periods.

Mag-Exercise Tayo! in Filipino means Let’s Exercise! From our online promotion and direct contact with clients about the program, we have received interest from approximately 30 seniors from Western, Eastern, Southern Regions of Melbourne.